Twelve Essential Tips to Increase Traffic

Twelve Essential Tips to Increase TrafficOnce you overcome the technical hurdle of getting your website up and going, the next major hurdle is how to get eyeballs looking at your website.  You can have the most fantastically designed website in the world but design doesn’t really matter if you aren’t getting people to your site.

Once you get people to your site, you can then test various designs to see what is working and what isn’t but the important thing is to get them there in the first place.

Getting people to visit your site can definitely be challenging.  Here are some off page search engine optimizations tips you can use to ensure you have traffic coming to your website.

  1. Visit forums and start posting comments and providing useful advice to forum members.  Whilst most forums won’t let you put your website links in the body of your message, they will often let you put your website link in the signature section of your profile. Incidentally, if you do this make sure to use anchor text that links to your URL and not the URL itself.  To find forums, simply type in your “keyword+forum” in Google.
  2. Start visiting blogs and make comments.  Let the owner know that you like the information they have provided and why. If they like your comments they will approve it and you might find that you have a few more links pointing back to your site.
  3. Set up your email address with a Gravatar. Your Gravatar is an image that follows you from site to site appearing beside your name when you do things like comment or post on a blog. Not only does it help identify you, it also encourages people to click on your gravatar and go to your site. It can also provide a valuable link back to your site.
  4. Use FireFox as your browser and install the FireFox “NoDoFollow” plug-in. The plug-in will show which blogs are good for making comments on and which ones are not so good. Hint: the not so good ones don’t give you any links back to your site and have no SEO value.
  5. Locate blogs that use the Comment Luv plug-in.  To do this, visit Google search and type “title=”CommentLuv Enabled”” Keyphrase making sure you replace the “Keyphrase” terms with the actual keyword you are targeting.
  6. Alternatively, type “your keyword”+”do follow blog” and get the results. You should have a nice juicy list of blogs where you can make comments.
  7. Download Comment Kahuna and enter your keyword. The software will enable you to search by page rank or no follow / do follow.  Hint: you want “do follow” links.
  8. Make a video and upload your video to You Tube. In the description, type in your website URL making sure you put http at the front so that a link is generated.
  9. Locate You Tube channels in your niche that allows comments.  To do this go to Google and type in “Keyphrase” “Channel Comments” Just like blogs, make a useful comment about the channel. People will follow you back to your channel.
  10. If using WordPress, use social media bookmarking tools such as Only Wire, Social Marker, Socialable, Sexy Bookmarks, Share This, TweetMeMe and the Facebook like plugin to help users share, bookmark and email your posts.
  11. If you have other websites in related markets, make them work harder by getting them to link to each other.  Visitors might then go off and visit your other sites. However, do be careful with this strategy and ensure that each website is not just reciprocating links back to each other.
  12. If you have physical products include the website address on your packaging. You’ll be amazed how many people will check this out and visit your site.



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